our story

welcome to homebhais! we are a company co-founded by chef sheal and his wife, shelly, dedicated to bringing the vibrant tastes of india into american kitchens. and if that’s all you need to know, feel free to stop reading! 

but if you’ll indulge us, here’s a deeper dive into our origin story. 

raised in a household where indian roots ran deep, chef sheal was captivated by the rich flavors that defined south asian cuisine. however, as he grew up, he observed a curious trend; indian food in america was often limited to a handful of popular dishes. 

this was further realized as he spent time traveling throughout south asia and gaining a deep appreciation for the diversity and range in cuisine he encountered across the region of over a billion people. 

determined to broaden the culinary horizons of his family’s recipes, chef sheal embarked on a mission to build a bridge between indian flavors and everyday american cooking. he constantly drew inspiration from his travels and culinary experiences, and specifically started experimenting with a craft he already had a deep understanding and admiration of - that of texas barbecue. 

chef sheal started introducing people to dishes like tandoori ribs, indo-chinese wings, and masala pulled pork and was blown away by the reception - building a fan following and going as far as being named “chicago’s best new bbq.” 

from there, he started homebhais with his wife and committed to a vision of offering products that introduced new flavors - with a touch of nostalgia and familiarity - to bring people together. 

with each carefully crafted product, chef sheal aims to blur the lines between traditional indian flavors and beloved american classics. we invite you on a culinary journey that celebrates the fusion of cultures and the joy of exploration. 

join the backyard barbecue with a billion bold flavors.